Why Fear Works

In North Carolina today there is a vote on a state constitutional amendment, “amendment one” it has been deemed, that will define marriage as a domestic legal partnership between a man and woman. Of course this has been the norm throughout history, but times are changing, and with different lifestyles developing, people find it necessary to stick to their old beliefs.

People have also called it “the defense of marriage” amendment. Yes, because its the gays and the civil unions, and the unmarried couples that are destroying marriages. For this argument, let’s ignore the teenage pregnancies, the 50% plus divorce rates for frivolous reasons and the bad habits of heteros.

For the defense of marriage.

In advertising- and in all professions that use persuasive tactics- we learn that fear has its place as one of the most effective tools to sway someone’s judgement. Fear has many forms, it could be fear of the unknown, fear of harm, fear of seclusion, or fear of being wrong. As humans we can’t fathom to think in those ways unless we intentionally practice to do so. Unless we accept that sometimes things won’t go our way, we will cling to things that we know, regardless of facts, figures and changing norms.

In this election year, much attention as come on the Religious Right; the neo-conservatives in the Republican party that hates birth control and non-Christians, and loves the Church and Israel. These are the same ones that tried to hijack the Bush White House to get him to do whatever it took to spread democracy and Christianity in the Middle East.

These are the same folks that have filtered into the North Carolina General Assembly to attempt to pass a constitutional amendment that takes into account a church stance in a state issue.

Separation? Not today.

People are afraid of what they don’t know. Outside the city areas of North Carolina, the people who will vote in favor of this amendment probably has had little to no contact with those people who will be affected by this amendment. Are they bad people? Are they insensitive? Not necessarily. The only fault one could provide is that the people who will vote in favor of this amendment have failed to widen their circle to the point that they understand and know the affected parties.

Let’s make this clear: we are not talking about a religious issue here. What other people do is their business, and I believe that no other human has the right to force their opinions or beliefs on someone else. If my studies serve me right, then there is only One who can decide and judge properly. I’ll leave that to Him.

The issue is a state one: since when in America can the majority force regulation on the minority? Is that not what most of the Federalist Papers warned against? The majority will not know the troubles of the minority, and with fear setting in, the majority is bound to do something senseless.

Listen. Fear is powerful, and it works. It is unfortunate that it will move a crowd so misguided in their views to strip a population of rights that, according to State precedents, they are entitled to.

For now at least.

The U.S. Supreme Court will weigh in on the Equal Protection Clause of Amendment 14, and if they decide that is covers the rights of the LGBT community, consider “amendment one” as weeks of pomp and circumstance.

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